APCERT cooperates with CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) to ensure Internet security in the Asia Pacific region, based around genuine information sharing, trust and cooperation.
www.apcert.org - 2020-04-16 - 收藏CERNIC
中國教育和科研計算機網網絡信息中心CERNIC是一個全 國范圍的Internet資源注冊管理部門,負責全網的IP地址分配,域名注冊。提供網絡資源信息服務和網絡技術支持,定期發布CERNET的最新進展。
www.cernic.net - 2020-04-16 - 收藏Computer Emergency Response Team(CERT)
The CERT? Program is part of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
www.cert.org - 2020-04-16 - 收藏